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Licensed Immigration Agency
The AusAsia team is a registered immigration agent in Australia with extensive expertise in immigration laws, regulations and related procedures
Successful Case 10k+
We have a mature application process, solid copywriting skills of consultants and teachers, precise control of immigration policies, and the success rate of immigration is as high as 98%.
Consultants 1V1 Service
Tailor immigration programs according to customer backgrounds and needs, comprehensively analyze immigration policies and regulations, and strictly control the material audit level.
Australia is an immigrant country, with its high quality of living standards, perfect social welfare, relaxed immigration policies, good educational resources, etc. to attract immigrants from all countries. Australia's annual permanent residence quota is nearly 190,000, and Australia's immigration methods include skilled immigrants, employer-sponsored immigrants, investment immigrants and family reunification immigrants. Remote areas have independent immigrant visas, and most of the international students choose skilled immigration or employer sponsorship to stay in Australia after graduation.
Pleasant Living Environment
Australia is affected by the maritime climate, the temperature difference is not large throughout the year, comfortable and livable, blue water, blue sky, green grass, a variety of animals, can be seen everywhere in Australia. For leisure, Australians prefer surfing, kayaking, diving, sand skiing and other sports.
Advanced British Education
Australia's education system inherits the British tradition, has so far produced 15 Nobel Prize winners, a quarter of the world's best universities are here, Australia's education system has become the world's benchmark.
Harmonious Multi-culture
One fifth of Australia's population is overseas, and more than half of Australians come from mixed cultural backgrounds. People of all nationalities live in harmony here, creating a diverse Australian culture.
Perfect Welfare for All
One of the first countries in the world to implement a welfare system. In education, you can enjoy 12 years of free admission to public schools; In terms of medical care, free medical care is provided in public hospitals throughout the country; In terms of pension, people who retire at the age of 65 can receive pensions.
Advanced Medical Treatment
Australia is one of the world's longest living people, Australia has the lowest cancer mortality and incidence rates in the world, the quality of hospital care is even higher than the United States and New Zealand, and Australia performs strongly on a range of important health indicators.
A Civilized Social Order
Australia has a perfect social system, generally high quality residents, rules and order, and a highly developed social civilization. On this land, there is no gap between the rich and the poor, and there is no distinction between high and low, and the spirit of equality has been continued since ancient times.
Skilled Migration
Investment Immigration
Employer Guarantee
Family Migration
To apply for skilled migration, you need to perform the skilled migration EOI score. If the score scale reaches 65 points, you will have the opportunity to apply for skilled migration in Australia. If the applicant seeks 5 points for spouse bonus points, the age limit of the spouse is 45 years.
Contains the following items:
189 Independent skilled migrants 190 States guarantee skilled immigrants 491 New Remote Area Skilled Migrant visa 887 Skilled migrants in remote areas
The immigration visa is mainly launched for business owners or shareholders, as long as you have a certain share, the company turnover reaches certain conditions, and a certain amount of money can be invested in Australia.
Business immigration is divided into two categories: one is the 132 category of permanent residence, and the other is the 188 visa, which applies for a temporary residence visa and then transfers to Australia after two years of business or investment. The quota is currently suspended, more details are welcome to consult.
One of the most important steps of the Australian employer-sponsored visa is the employer's nomination, which mainly evaluates whether the nominated position is in real demand and whether suitable employees can be recruited locally in Australia.
Contains the following items:
186 Employer-sponsored permanent residence visa Australian Global Talent Visa GTS Australian employer-sponsored visa 482 Australia 407 training visa 494 Remote Area employer-sponsored immigrant visa
Family reunification immigrants enjoy preferential treatment and can be approved as long as the applicant meets the required family status, is in good health and has no criminal record. Relatives in Australia must be Australian citizens or residents with permanent residence for more than two years. The guarantor in Australia must legally reside in Australia for more than 2 years and guarantee all living expenses of his relatives after going to Australia, such as providing accommodation and having certain assets guarantee. All parents applying to move to Australia have their children bear the cost of living.
Contains the following items:
Spousal immigration Child immigration Parental migration Eventually family members emigrated
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